

Devised, designed and directed by Nigel Triffitt in collaboration with the Handspan ensemble, SECRETS was the company's first mainstage production. It premiered at the Australian International Puppet Festival in 1983 and toured in Australia, Europe and the US until 1986.

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Scenes from Secrets and Nigel Triffitt interview. Courtesy SBS TV and Open Channel.

Nigel Triffitt
The Traveller
Secrets stage pre-set
The Sheik and the Parcel
The Sloth
The Secret Self
The Fanlady
The Fanlady
Secret Selves
Secret Selves
The Secret Self
Secret Self collapsed
Samurai, Secret Self and wheel of pills
The White Samurai
Red and White Samurai
The Black Samurai
The Mother
The Pram in rehearsal
The Snake
The Snake
The Boat
The Monk
The Parcel
The White Samurai
The Parcel opens
Inside the parcel
Closing scene
Final bow
Rehearsing the Secret Selves
Rehearsing the Snake
Rehearsing the Fanlady
Rehearsing the Secret Self and rotating pills
Secrets 1983 cast
Secrets 1984 cast
Secrets company in the USA, 1984
Secrets posters, Sydney 1984